nedjelja, 1. srpnja 2012.
četvrtak, 12. travnja 2012.
srijeda, 14. ožujka 2012.
I really have nothing to say except this all comes out because of the fact that i have to study.
I think i'm gonna eat after this
everything to avoid studying jkdshkdjsf familiar?
These are from both today and last week so i decided to make a huge post and to put them together and i'm happy now.
nedjelja, 26. veljače 2012.
Peace frog
These are from past few days, i'm not sure what's with the weather though dfgkdjfg
Few days ago i found out franz ferdinand are coming this summer and was just "GOGOGOGO"
im just waiting for announcement of other bands that are coming to that festival.
the weekend's been a mess D:
četvrtak, 9. veljače 2012.
Honey why is the baby on fire
So these are random. I'm not sure what's with lack of lookbook updates though.
Last week it snowed, for the first time in 327856734 years here. now it's all a mess and frozen,
people are falling over, aha.
I started digging through old pictures and i found some i've never posted anywhere.
Also, new clothes is needed. and warmth and spring and fdjhjksdf
And creepers. And a kitteh ! kitteeehkittehkittehkitteh
subota, 14. siječnja 2012.
Killer on the road
I dont know what's with not taking pictures anymore.
Anyway its two twelve, mercy please
too much m&ms im gonna barf
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